Welcome to WCSS 25 - MAKING SOCIAL STUDIES MATTER! We are excited to host a powerful two day conference in our state capital, sharing countless ideas and methods to continue making social studies relevant to our students.  Get ready to learn, grow, and have some fun in the process!
Saturday March 15, 2025 11:05am - 11:35am CDT
The Wisconsin Civics Games, sponsored by the Wisconsin Newspaper Association Foundation beginning in 2018, is a competition that promotes civics education as well as civic and civil engagement among teams of high school students. This session will feature an opportunity to learn more about the 2025 Games, including the Editorial Writing and Editorial Cartoon contest. Perhaps you'll consider helping to create a team of students, join a teacher advisory board, serve as a judge, or help to devise some questions for this year's virtual playoffs on April 9-10 and the finals at the State Capitol on May 2nd. .

The session will be led by Eve Galanter, a Foundation board member and founder of the Wisconsin Civics Games.

Eve Gallanter

Board Member, Wisconsin Civics Games
My eclectic employment history includes being an elementary school teacher, freelance writer and editor, television news reporter on consumer affairs, four terms on the Madison City Council, more than a decade as the director of U.S. Senator Herb Kohl's office, and volunteer leadership... Read More →
Saturday March 15, 2025 11:05am - 11:35am CDT

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