Welcome to WCSS 25 - MAKING SOCIAL STUDIES MATTER! We are excited to host a powerful two day conference in our state capital, sharing countless ideas and methods to continue making social studies relevant to our students.  Get ready to learn, grow, and have some fun in the process!
Friday March 14, 2025 8:30am - 10:45am CDT
Students have access to more information than ever before, but separating fact from fiction has never been more difficult. Historical thinking skills can empower students to analyze the (mis)information they encounter online. We’ll use a variety of PBS resources and media to sharpen students’ media literacy skills, including research, fact-checking, identifying bias, and finding reliable sources.
Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Wc2teaK3m1qkQqpsPkHxHSdE0JfOgFcN5AjXrjhW0Ek/edit#slide=id.g10f544e2cb8_0_9
avatar for Nick Ostrem

Nick Ostrem

Education Engagement Specialist, PBS Wisconsin
Friday March 14, 2025 8:30am - 10:45am CDT
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