Welcome to WCSS 25 - MAKING SOCIAL STUDIES MATTER! We are excited to host a powerful two day conference in our state capital, sharing countless ideas and methods to continue making social studies relevant to our students.  Get ready to learn, grow, and have some fun in the process!
Friday March 14, 2025 8:30am - 10:45am CDT
This session aims to empower educators to serve as powerful advocates for K-12 civics education at the local, state, and federal level. We'll review the current policy landscape, explore educators' role in policy making, develop action plans and tools for civics advocacy, and put it all to use when we meet directly with legislators and their staff during the afternoon session.
avatar for Annalee Good

Annalee Good

Co-Director, UW- Madison WCER
avatar for Kate Ullman

Kate Ullman

Executive Director, Wisconsin Civics Learning Coalition
avatar for Molly Garner Carroll

Molly Garner Carroll

Researcher & Evaluator, Wisconsin Evaluation Collaborative | Wisconsin Center for Education Research Mary T. Kellner Teacher Education Center
avatar for Sarah Kopplin

Sarah Kopplin

CESA 1 Civics Fellow, Wisconsin Council for the Social Studies President
Sarah Kopplin is an experienced 7th grade Social Studies teacher at Shorewood IntermediateSchool, where she has dedicated over 22 years to educating young minds. She earned herbachelor's degree in History from the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse and a master's degreein Secondary... Read More →
Friday March 14, 2025 8:30am - 10:45am CDT
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