Welcome to WCSS 25 - MAKING SOCIAL STUDIES MATTER! We are excited to host a powerful two day conference in our state capital, sharing countless ideas and methods to continue making social studies relevant to our students.  Get ready to learn, grow, and have some fun in the process!
Friday March 14, 2025 8:30am - 9:30am CDT
Teachers can motivate students in grades 6-12 to consider ways of engaging in social studies and expressing their thoughts creatively through interscholastic debating, speaking, film, and theatre. These can be adapted to classroom activities and social studies standards and/or conducted exclusively after school to prepare students for in-person or online contests.
avatar for Adam Jacobi

Adam Jacobi

Executive Director (WISDAA) & Curriculum Coordinator (HDC), Wisconsin Interscholastic Speech & Dramatic Arts Association (WISDAA) & Harvard Debate Council (HDC)
Biography: https://www.adamjacobi.com/biography
Friday March 14, 2025 8:30am - 9:30am CDT

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